Saturday, January 28, 2012

Whats for Dinner?'

"Mooooommmmm, what's for Diiii-Neeerrr?"

As a mom I get SO tired of hearing this asked multiple times a day, EVERY day.  So I came up with a solution for my family.  First I have something to ask you...Did you know that your refrigerator is a GIANT dry erase board?!?!?!  Isn't that the coolest thing since sliced bread???? Well after pondering on this little gem of knowledge I came up with this wonderful solution for my family's daily inquiry.

Pin It

First, using transfer tape, I applied the vinyl I cut with my Cricut to my refrigerator

Next, I added the dates for the week (next week pictured). 
I also decided to put the date beside each day so that this can serve as a calendar at a glance. 

Finally, I filled in what we are having for dinner for each night next week.  You will notice that Saturday and Sunday are missing.  That's because Saturday we are usually all going different directions, eating out, or eating leftovers if we are staying in and Sunday we always eat out or at someone else's home 
(to say its a busy day is an understatement!!).

How awesome is that?!?!?!?  I hope it works as well for us as I think it will, but only time will tell!

Oh, and not only is it a menu, but I made it large enough to put in daily activities as well as what I am serving for dinner. Such as practices, special projects that are due, and other weekly activities that may arise.

Personally I think it turned out fan-tabulous! How about you?  What do you do for your families weekly dinner plans / announcement?  I use to do it daily: sometimes announced and sometimes just a sit down surprise (you sit, and I surprise you with what I put in front of you...Now EAT! Ha ha).  

I would love to hear about your meal planning solutions, and if you post them for all to see or just keep track of it in your head.  Please let me know!

Have a great day & God Bless!!!Publish Post


  1. Wow that looks fantastic!!
    When I was little we had a pin board in the kitchen and Mum would write the menu up at the start of each week.. which worked well until we hit the ages where dance class/footy training were during meal times and I think we lived off ramen noodles because she couldn't be bothered cooking for one kid and on parent while the others were out!

    1. How funny! I love that you lived off of Ramen! On the kids choice night that's probably what we will be eating since it my kids absolute FAVORITE!!! lol Hey its a cheap and fast dinner, and with all the stuff I add to it it ends up being pretty nutritious too! Thanks for stopping by and sharing!!!

  2. I like this! Have you had any trouble getting the markers off or shadows still remaining?


    1. Nope Windex and my handy dandy Viva paper towels seem to do the trick nicely ;) I am using dry erase markers and wouldnt recomend anything else.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a great idea! I write on my freezer like a whiteboard, the list of meals, etc. I have in there. For menu planning, I have a chalkboard I write my weekly menu on. So much better than answering "what's for dinner" at least 6 time a day. :)

  5. Really clever! Thanks for sharing!

  6. That's fabulous! Thanks for sharing--who knew?!

  7. That's a great idea! If I did this, maybe it would keep me accountable to my menu??

    Thanks for sharing it at Creatively Living!

  8. Hi Chantelle, what a fabulous idea! I'll be featuring your fridge dry erase board at Project Queen's Highlight Party tonight. Thank you so much linking up!



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